Alexandre Courbot announced through the Free Desktop group's xdg mailing list that the GPU chip maker is providing more support for the Linux world's open source Nouveau driver for Nvidia cards. It is probably the fact that Valve decided to work on changing that by making Steam available for Linux and eventually basing their upcoming SteamOS on Linux. NVIDIA's taken notice of the reception Steam's had in the Linux world and is now working with other open source developers to better support their upcoming Tegra K1 chip.
It is still a bit limited as there are no plans to expand the company's experimental Nouveau work so it is probably not a good idea to uninstall the proprietary nv driver just. However, Courbot hinted that there may be plans to further improve the nv driver so *nix gamers can continue to take advantage of the growing number of games making their way to the open source world.
Still, it does mean that Nvidia is doing more to help those who want to use Open Source drivers, and that it is less likely to get one fingered salutes from Torvalds in the future.