AMD has released its new WHQL-certified Catalyst 13.4 driver featuring support for the new HD 7990 dual-GPU behemoth, a bunch of performance improvements, latency peformance improvement, Enduro profile updates and bunch of bug fixes.
As noted in the release notes, the new Catalyst 14.3 WHQL driver brings support for the recently released Radeon HD 7990 flagship dual-GPU graphics card as well as the Radeon HD 7790. It also includes support for several new OpenGL 4.3 features and brings improved latency performance in Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Gulid Wars 2, Tomb Raider and Hitman Absolution games.
The new Catalyst 14.3 WHQL driver also fixes a couple of bugs including texture flickering in some DirectX 9.0c applications, corruption in Tomb Raider with TressFX enabled, image quality issues in various games, Crossfire perfromance with 3 and 4 GPU configurations in Crysis 3 and also comes with a bunch of Enduro profile updates for games like Grid 2, SimCity, Tomb Raider and more.
The performance improvements list includes a couple of titles with anywhere from up to 13 percent improvement in Quake Wars to up to 5 percent in Batman Arkham City and Civilization V, all accross the entire Radeon HD 7000 series.
You can find the new driver here along with the full release notes.