Published in Graphics

Windows 8 Pro likes 310.33 beta

by on03 November 2012

Solves the rebooting issue we had

Earlier this week we ran a story about some issues with Nvidia’s 306.97 driver and Windows 8 Pro. The driver apparently forced the machine to continuously reboot and made it extremely unstable.

Nvidia approached us with a few suggestions and finally the new beta driver has solved the issue. It took a while to remove the whole 306.97 driver as the driver uninstall removes the graphics driver, but not the audio part or physics. The 310.33 didn’t want to install at all until we removed the Physics part and after the second attempt it installed and started to work.

Now we have stable Windows 8 Pro that boots within some 10 seconds and has Office 2013 beta installed on it. Finally, 3D games work well on the quite snappy new OS. It worked for us and if you are experiencing any issues you might want to give it a go.

On a related note, it takes roughly a day to get used to Windows 8, the new search option, and how to access some of the settings, but once you get a hang of it, it really works well and it0s worth a 39 USD upgrade.

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