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Godfrey Cheng leaves AMD after 12 years
All-in-wonder expert heads for the door
ATI/AMD veteran of 12 years Godfrey Cheng is leaving the company. Cheng was one the company’s most loyal employees who decided to leave, although it is always possible AMD made the decision for him.
Godfrey was one of the principal players behind ATI’s hugely successful All-in-Wonder graphics
Card series with TV tuners and a host of other goodies. He headed the All-in-Wonder effort from 1998 till March of 2006. Then he was responsible for video gaming technologies including Avivo and Crossfire for
a year.
From 2006 onwards today he was involved in roadmap and technical marketing for 3D graphics, video and display technologies, he was a technology and product evangelist responsible for benchmarking and hardware
Aside from that, he managed other technologies such as x86 parallel compute, video and graphics for AMD's PC Client group, managed competitive analysis team, AMD performance lab and contributed AMD M&A strategies.
We know him for a long time, probably more than ten years, and frankly we are sad to see him leave. With the last few key people including Rick Bergman, John Bruno - designed Trinity, Eric Demers and Carrell Killebrew, some of the key people for GPUs we don't know if AMD has a plan to remain Nvidia's competitor in graphics business. Most AMD execs who left the company over the past couple of years were all ex-ATI people.
It is evident that CEO Rory Read is forging a new company out of the curios mix of ex-ATI and AMD executives and engineers, but we are still not sure that we will like the new company, especially if it turns its back on the consumer market in both desktop and the mobile space. Only time will tell.