Published in Graphics

AMD to have HD 6990 dual cards in February

by on08 January 2011

CES 2011: After Chinese new year
The way the component industry works is that you either launch your product in January or in case you are not ready by then, you have to push the launch back till after Chinese New Year.

The target to launch Radeon HD 6990 in the latter half of February, but don’t be surprised if it slips to early March.

The card is based on AMD's Cayman chip but there is a rumour that there might also be a dual-card based on two Barts cores. It is clear that this card might be one of the hottest card ever, but this is something that you have to expect from any high-end dual chip product.

We don’t know who will win this round. With Nvidia's two GF110 chips on its dual card, Nvidia appears to have a slight advantage, but we still have to see about that.

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