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Jensen wants less of a relationship with Intel
GTC 2010: Going strong again
Forbes National editor Quentin Hardy trapped Nvidia CEO Jen Hsun Huang in an uncomfortable Intel question and the Huang took a swing at Intel once again.
When asked about Nvidia’s relationship with Intel Jensen said: “I hope to have less of one” (relationship).
Nvidia’s boss could not resist the chance to go hard on Intel again and we personally believe that Nvidia should work to fix its relations with Intel rather than speaking its mind out loud. Oddly enough, Nvidia’s Optimus notebook battery saving technology is available for Intel and Nvidia had to work quite closely with Intel on it and still the big boss express his dissatisfaction with the mighty Intel.
We are beginning to question whether Nvidia can win this fight, and for those of you who need a reminder, the whole thing started with Nvidia’s was not allowed to build DMI chipset and losing its Intel chipset market completely.
Before that Nvidia decided to leave AMD market as it simply didn’t make much sense to do it.
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