Following the pictures of AMD's upcoming Cayman XT board, has also posted pictures and the GPU-Z screenshot of the upcoming Caicos card as well. AMD's upcoming entry-level desktop series, codenamed "Caicos," should be the GPU that will be soldered to AMD's Radeon HD 6300 Series and should be the successor to the Radeon HD 5400 Series.
The qualification sample that was pixellized features a low-profile, single-slot, passive cooled design. The GPU-Z screenshot isn't as revealing as well but list the GPU identifier as the 6779 which does point out to "Caicos", at least according to the driver name leak that happened a few weeks ago.
You can still take the specs with a grain of salt as it is possible that they might change, but for now, the card works at 650MHz for the core and 800MHz for 1GB of DDR3 memory with 25.6GB/s memory bandwidth. The card has HDMI and DVI outputs.
You can find more pictures here.