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POV/TGT ships its first cards
Charged and Ultra Charged in retail/e-tail
Point of View and TGT have announced that the first Charged and Ultra Charged graphics cards have started to ship into the channel and all of the cards should be available within days. We already wrote about these cards back when they were announced and the full lineup includes GTX 480, GTX 470, GTX 460 1024 and GTX 460 768 in both Charged and Ultra Charged flavor.
As noted before, TGT's Charged series will be slightly overclocked making them faster than the reference cards, while the Ultra Charged series will use an impressive factory overclock featuring clocks that are even higher than some non-reference cooled cards.
Bear in mind that all GPUs are hand picked meaning that Ultra Charged series will use only the best Nvidia GPUs. POV/TGT was keen on announcing that its cards will even have room for additional overclocking depending on the case airflow.
The cards are already listed at and the price goes from €209,90 for the GTX 460 Charged, €229,90 for the GTX 460 Ultra Charged, €339 and €359 for the GTX 470 Charged and Ultra Charged, and €479 and €499 for the GTX 480 Charged and Ultra Charged.
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