The hacks at Stage Select have worked out that Nintendo's 3DS has a 200 Mhz DMP Pica200 as the main GPU under the bonnet.
Since the beast was announced the strokers of beards and people in the know have been wondering how powerful it will be. Nintendo has been refusing to say but it looks like the parts vendors are not so backward in coming forward.
The Pica200 chip contains the company's proprietary "MAESTRO" technology, which means that complicated shader hardware is built right into the chip.
It was first seen at SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 when the company did a presentation on the chip and different levels of Open GL. Then they said that it had Open GL ES 1.1 with DMP extensions. This means that the chip is powerful enough to support resolutions of 4095x4095.
Unfortunately this could mean that the device's battery takes a bit of a pummelling and will not last as long and normal Nintendo gear.