One way of
looking at the upcoming performance Geforce GTX 465 is that the chip is a cut
down version of GTX 470. The Geforce GTX 470 has four graphics processing clusters
while Geforce GTX 465 has three.
The GTX 465
has 11 streaming multiprocessors while GTX 470 has 14. When it comes to CUDA
cores GTX 465 has 352 while GTX 470 has 448. The number of Texture Units on GTX
465 is 44 while GTX 470 has 56. The GTX 465 has 32 ROP units while GTX 470 has 40.
The core clock on both is 607MHz GPU and the Processor clock (CUDA core) clock
is the same for both chips, 1215MHz.
The memory
interface and memory itself is not the same for both cards but you can see that
GTX 465 was simply a trimmed version of GTX 470 and therefore won’t pull off a miracle.
The other
upcoming card possible branded as Geforce GTX 460 based on new GF 104 chip
might make a bigger difference, but it comes sometime this summer, most
probably after June, if not later.
Published in
Geforce GTX 465 is 470 with three clusters
Cut down version with 1024MB memory