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More details on the HD 4770 show up
Close to HD 4850 performance, come April 28th
According to the graphs posted at VR-Zone forums, the HD 4770 should be very close to the HD 4850 in terms performance, and the card should be launched on April 28th.
We must note that the percentages on the graphs are a bit weird, but we did see that early preview of the HD 4770, courtesy of Guru3D, where the card was indeed close to HD 4850 performance. This US $99 mid-range card should replace the HD 4830. Some other sources also hinted at April 28th as the launch date, and this might very well be the right launch date, as ATI certainly wants to beat Nvidia and be the first on the market with 40nm GPUs.
The guys at tried out Battleforge, Company of Heroes, Devil May Cry 4 and Far Cry 2 and the card is certainly really close to HD 4850 at least if those percentage is right. We must note that these are the first benchmarks and you should take these with a grain of salt. We heard from some sources that the HD 4770 will end up faster than Nvidia's Geforce 9800GT 512MB and we also heard that it could beat the GTS 250 in some cases.
Basically the best thing is that the card should be able to pump out more than 30FPS in most games, at 1920x1200, which is a truly great result for a US $99 card.
You can find the slides here.