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Nvidia thinking about PhysX to OpenCL

Will give it to ATI
Nvidia is thinking of moving its PhysX technology to OpenCL which could enable GPU PhysX acceleration on its rival ATI GPUs.
Nvidia has protected its PhysX technology by forcing anyone who uses it to have to run CUDA. OpenCL is the API that’s also being used by AMD to accelerate Havok physics.
Bit-Tech quoted Nvidia’s director of product management for PhysX, Nadeem Mohammad as saying that he wasn’t against the idea at all. He said that in the future it’s a possibility that Nvidia would use Open CL, although at the moment CUDA works great.
Nvidia's “architecture allows for acceleration by other things like OpenCL," he said. Mohammad added that as and when Nvidia moves to OpenCL which Bit-tech rightly considers that that there is little doubt that Nvidia is seriously considering this as an option.
As for giving ATI its technology, Mohammed pointed out that Nvidia has publicly said that it will work with ATI on CUDA-accelerated PhysX for over a year, but it’s an offer that ATI has yet to accept.