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Golden Sample to return to the US
Gainward plans North American assault
Gainward exited the North American market some time ago, but our sources tell us that the company is gearing up for yet another assault on the North American market. The company was best known in the North American market space for its “Golden Sample” series high-end and extreme graphics cards.
Our moles suggest that the company believes that with all of the shake up in the video card industry in the North American market space that Gainward could make a successful return by offering unique configurations of video cards that are different from its competitors. After all, the “Golden Sample” branding still comes up in discussions of some of the best past video card values.
Our take on Gainward’s plans to re-enter the North American market is that for them to be successful they will have to have products that are in different configurations than their competitors in the North American market space, and additionally they need to offer these products at an attractive price point.
It could be tough sledding for Gainward to re-enter North America, but with the “Golden Sample” branding it is possible for them to be successful if they play their cards right. Look for an official announcement later this year, once they get all of their plans for re-entry finalized.