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The new GT200b pixellized
Same specs at 55nm
The guys over at managed to get a picture of what appears to be a Nvidia's 55nm GT200b GPU. According to the info at Expreview, all GPUs that have a G200-103-B2 name are made at 55nm, should hit retail in January next year, and will have the same specs as the "old" 65nm GTX 260.
The cards with a new 55nm GPU will work at same specs as the previously released GTX 260 216 cards. This means that the new cards will have 896MB of memory and 216 stream processors. The new 55nm GPU should allow higher and better overclocking results and lower power consumption.
According to Expreview, the first batch of these cards should hit retail in January, and according to our info some of them might find their way to retail shelves in December, but both situations are quite possible as Nvidia likes to change these dates.
You can find the picture here