Published in Graphics

Larrabee competes with Geforce 11, R900

by on02 September 2008


2010 graphics


Intel asked Fudzilla why don't we really take and like the fact that Intel's Larrabee might dominate the graphic world as other press do, and we answered comparing of Larrabee with Geforce 11 and R900. These products are very far away from silicon and production and therefore we have their younger brother to focus, before the 2010 chips arrive.  

Yours truly said that Larrabee is as important for Fudzilla as Geforce 11 and R900. For graphic world domination you need a product, and Geforce 11, R900 and Larrabee are all in its early design stage. It takes around two years to make GPU and even more if you are doing that for the first time.

We can probably get some basic details about chips that are coming in 2010 like a manufacturing process, DirectX 1x support but not too many in depth details, as its still way to early.

Both Nvidia and ATI are working on their future products but for Nvidia and ATI they have to launch 2009 generation before they go to 2010 Larrabee competitors.

Last modified on 02 September 2008
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