Facebook making people called meta disappear
Aussie artist says it is not fair dinkum
Five days after Facebook changed its name to Meta, an Aussie disabled artist found herself kicked off all social media and effectively invisible.

Newspapers take on big tech
They have killed local news
Newspapers all over the US have been quietly filing antitrust lawsuits against Google and Facebook, alleging the two firms monopolised the digital ad market for revenue that would otherwise go to local news.

Europe’s top court says Facebook can be sued by consumer groups
Privacy violations
Facebook could be sued by consumer groups for privacy violations, an adviser to Europe's top court said.

Facebook fined £50 million
UK antitrust watchdog bites
The BBC is reporting that Facebook has been fined a record £50 million by the UK's Competition and Markets Authority.

Facebook considers changing its name
We want to focus on the metaverse
The dark satanic rumour mill has manufactured a hell on earth rumour that claims that Facebook is going to change its name.

Facebook admits that AI can’t stop hate speech
One in every 2000 posts still contain it
Social notworking site Facebook’s Guy Rosen, who has the unfortunate title of head of integrity, admitted that one in every 2,000 content views on Facebook still contained hate speech from April to June of this year.

US Navy loses a Facebook page to hackers
Still better than losing Pearl Harbour
The US Navy has lost control of the official Facebook page for its destroyer-class warship, the USS Kidd. Someone has hacked the page and, for the past two days, done nothing but stream Age of Empires.

Facebook goes darker than Zuckerburg’s soul
Bad day for the Social Notworking King
Mark Zuckerburg was having a bad day yesterday after a whistleblower revealed dark deeds and his glorious social notworking empire crashed to its knees due to a bizarre DNS flaw.

FTC refiles monopoly claim against Facebook
Trying to revive a dismissed case
US antitrust officials refiled their monopoly lawsuit against social notworking giant Facebook, seeking to salvage the landmark case a judge threw out in June.

Facebook stalls sales of the Oculus Quest 2
Causes skin reactions
Facebook said on Tuesday that it is temporarily halting sales of the Oculus Quest 2, a month before a planned update to a new entry-level model with more onboard storage.