Facebook cleared of two antitrust cases
Charges too vague
A US federal court has dismissed two separate antitrust lawsuits filed against Facebook.

Facebook comes the raw pawn down under
Set to test the world's toughest content law
Australia's competition watchdog is looking into a claim that Facebook refused a publisher's request to negotiate a licensing deal and it appears that the social networker is heading for a showdown over the countries tough online content law.

Facebook to put adverts in Oculus Quest
The real just got unreal
Facebook will soon begin testing ads inside its Oculus Quest virtual reality system.

Tech giants face tougher US laws
Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google subject to five bills
House Democrats are set to introduce a package of five bills as soon as this week that would prohibit tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google from discriminating against rivals or buying potential competitors.

Trump is not getting his Facebook account back
Advisors say it is up to Board now
Donald Trump's Facebook account should not be reinstated, the social media giant's oversight board said barring an imminent return to the platform.

Facebook knew about Capitol insurrection
Failed to stop it
Social notworking giant Facebook knew that the Stop the Steal movement was about to mount the Jan. 6th Capitol insurrection and failed to stop it.

Facebook bans French town
Vile Bitch
Puritan US Social notworking site, Facebook has concluded that a famous French town has no right to exist and is an insult to good Christian folk and their children.

Facebook makes weak excuses for database blunder
Do people even bother paying for PR any more?
It would appear that Facebook has got so arrogant that it does not even have to bother with coming up with a decent excuse to explain its antics.

Apple tries to mine Facebook data
Facebook says no
Apple is so desperate to win its antitrust case with Epic it is hitting up other big tech empires in the hope it can dig up some dirt.

Venezuela's Maduro claims that Facebook is bananas
If I only had thyme
Venezuela's government accused Facebook of "digital totalitarianism" after it froze President Nicolas Maduro's page for 30 days for violating its policies against spreading misinformation about COVID-19.