US Supreme Court protects stalkers from their victims
The more insane are protected
In an interesting move for crime in the US, the Supreme Court has decided that victims of stalkers have to prove they faced a real threat.

US government gives Ford $9.2 billion loan
We need you to catch up to the Chinese fast
The US government is providing Ford a conditional $9.2 billion loan for constructing three battery factories.

Japan risks angering Google and Apple empires
Could be another Battle of Tsushima
A Japanese government panel has risked angering the mighty US tech giants Apple and Google by insisting that they compete fairly in the market.

Banned Chinese decryption chips used by US military
They are even on a list
While the US government is increasingly paranoid about Chinese hardware containing spyware, the US military does not appear to have gotten the memo.

US antics divide subsea cable market into East and West
Returning to the cold war
The subsea cable market is in danger of dividing into eastern and western blocs as the US is putting pressure on companies to avoid Chinese ties.

US allows South Korea and Taiwan chipmakers to sell into China
So much for security concerns
According to the Wall Street Journal, the US government is expected to allow leading South Korea and Taiwan semiconductor manufacturers to continue and expand their chipmaking operations in China.

Analysts warn that China will produce own semiconductors
Will advance faster than the US expects expect
Chip industry analysts are confident that China can produce semiconductors even if the United States tries to block assess to its technology.

US regulators mull automatic braking systems
Accident prevention
The US The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has proposed a rule requiring new cars and trucks to have automatic braking systems capable of preventing collisions.

US China trade war hots up over Micron
Fall out expected
The trade war between the US and China is hotting up over the Middle Kingdom's decision to ban Micron memory products.

US military trialling autonomous F-16 fighter
Terminator coming
The US military "is now testing an autonomous F-16 fighter jet, and in simulated dogfighting, the AI already crushes trained human pilots.