The same financial report also revealed that the company is selling the new Playstation 5 console at a loss, which was not a big surprise, considering it was the case with all previous consoles. The same loss was listed as "strategic price points", and the company expects to counter those losses with profits from game sales.
Sony expects that Playstation 5 will break Playstation 4 records, selling more than expected. Bear in mind that Sony still sells its Playstation 4 console as well, moving around 1.4 million units during the quarter.
Sony also said it is on track to ship over 7.6 million Playstation 5 units before the end of March 2021.
When it comes to the actual financial report, Sony reported revenue of 883.2 billion yen, or around US $8.4 billion, with an operating profit of 80.2 billion yen, or US $763.3 million. This is an increase in revenue of 40 percent and a 50 percent increase in operating profit.