While EA/DICE Battlefield V should have offered the best implementation of Nvidia's RTX technology and DirectX Raytracing (DXR), it was plagued with bugs and a significant performance hit, despite the dedicated RT cores on the Nvidia RTX series.
We already knew it would take time before any of the RTX technologies kick off properly, and it appears that EA/DICE and Nvidia is on top of the things, bringing a fix that will bring up to 50 percent improvement.
According to Nvidia, the performance fix will allow RTX 2080 Ti users to hit over 60 FPS at 1440p with RTX set at Ultra, RTX 2080 will hit 60 FPS at 1440p with RTX settings at Medium, and RTX 2070 will be enough for 60 FPS at 1080p with DXR Raytraced Reflections set at Medium.
In order to make it work, you'll need Nvidia's latest Geforce 417.22 WHQL Game Ready driver and EA/DICE's announced Chapter 1: Overture update, which is unfortunately delayed due to some problems.