The sword and spear-wielding warriors in the new instalment of Fire Emblem series will be able to marry whomever they like.
Recently the outfit was forced to apologise for excluding same-sex relationships in an earlier game. A life-simulation game, Tomodachi Life, did not allow same-sex marriage – much like Texas.
Fire Emblem Fates, which hit the Japanese market on Thursday, will roll out in the United States and Europe next year.
In the US we are expecting a storm of protest from the usual homophobe right wing ministers in the Bible belt. That is if Fox television can catch them while they are not visiting their rent boys. Concerned nut-job parents for Jesus would probably have something to say too, if such a lobby group existed.
It is unlikely to be a problem in civilised countries, but it is rather brave of Nintendo to take on the US right.
In a statement released this week, Kyoto-based Nintendo said the game, in which players advance through a fantasy world doing battle with other characters, will be inclusive.
"We can confirm that Fire Emblem Fates for Nintendo 3DS... includes the possibility for a same-sex marriage to take place between the main character created by the gamer and another character," it said.
"We believe that our gameplay experiences should reflect the diversity of the communities in which we operate."
Ironically Japan itself is behind the rest of the world when it comes to legalising same-sex marriage, there is no specific legal protection for gay people and the issue is not widely debated among the public.