Published in Gaming

DayZ confirmed as multi-platform

by on02 October 2014


No commitment for an Xbox One release

The Bohemia Interactive Studio’s developed DayZ will be a multiplatform title, but creator Dean Hall was cagey when talking about the possibility of an Xbox One release. DayZ has been confirmed for the PlayStation 4 as well as the ongoing PC development, but beyond saying that it would be multiplatform and they would announce other platforms at some point in the future, no other hints were given.

While no release date has been set, we do know that DayZ could see an early access release of some sort, but no decisions have been made as far as when DayZ will be released or how it will be released.

It is possible that the game without an early access release on some kind of console, for the game to launch next year. It does not look like a straight up retail release would be able to answer the bell for release next year as too much work remains to do in order to complete the game.



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