July will be a busy month for Bungie as the developer launches its closed beta for Destiny. The Destiny beta will start July 17th for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 consoles. Then in what Bungie is now calling “late July” the beta for Destiny will also arrive for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One.
PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 players that want to participate in the Destiny beta will have to have a PlayStation Plus subscription. Xbox 360 and Xbox One will also have to have a Xbox Live Gold subscription to participate as well.
Just how can you participate in the Destiny beta? Well, right now the only way that we know of to get in the beta is to pre-order Destiny which will get you beta access. Exactly how long you will get to play the beta once it is released is a bit up in the air. We do hear however that you will be able to access most of the game modes and activities during the beta period.