Today Electronic Arts confirmed that they will be continuing their partnership arrangement with Titanfall developer Respawn moving forward. In addition we finally got a glimpse as small as it was into the actual sales of Titanfall.
The lack of sales numbers for Titanfall have left a lot of us wondering if the title sold as well as everyone hoped and we were led to believe it did. EA confirmed that 925,000 copies of Titanfall have been sold in North America, but they did not break that down by platform, so we have no idea of just how many copies they have moved on the Xbox One, PC, and the just recently released Xbox 360 version. EA claims that they still do not have all of the sales numbers for digital copies that have been sold as well as worldwide numbers. The number is based on a NPD group number.
The lack of information regarding Titanfall’s sales is troubling. If the game had sold as well as everyone thing it did, they you would think EA would be shouting this information from the rafters, but since they are not, but they have renewed their partnership agreement with Respawn moving forward and even commented that they will be working on bring new Titanfall experiences to players worldwide, does suggest that the numbers must be at least trending in the right direction.
Also noted on the call was that Titanfall would at some point see a future that Titanfall experiences will be available on multiple platforms. I am not sure that the door is completely closed for Microsoft to maintain the exclusivity that it had for the first Titanfall release, but as suspected we know if they do it will be one heck of a large check for them to have it.