Microsoft seems to be taking all the feedback on their selections of Games With Gold titles to heart as this month they have selected, what have to be considered some better offerings.
Form May 1st till the 15th, Xbox Live Gold subscribers will be able to download Dust: An Elysian Tail for free and then from May 16th till the end of the month, Xbox Live Gold members will be able to hit the streets of Saints Row: The Third. Dust is regularly $14.99 and the digital download version of Saints Row: The Third is normally $19.99 which isn’t a bad haul this month.
As it always is, once you download a free Games With Gold title, the game is yours to keep and can be re-downloaded again for free should you delete it because you need the disk space for example. Both titles are worth checking out if you have not yet played them on your Xbox 360.
Still no word on the possibility of some sort of Games With Gold offering for the Xbox One, although we continue to hear rumblings that Microsoft might have something in the works. So far there has been no official announcement, but if were one were to come at this point, we would guess that Microsoft would wait till their E3 presser to announce it.