Some of the Eutechnyx staff has apparently been loaned to Ubisoft Reflections that is working on The Division. This followed the closure of the developer’s London studio.
The developer is also getting ready to announce a major initiative that is said to involve the Chinese market. The free-to-play PC title Auto Clue Revolution is said to not be hitting its targets and there is at least some question about the future of the NASCAR title beyond the NASCAR 14 release that is upcoming. Deep Silver will be handling the publishing of the NASCAR 14 title when it is released.
As for the future, the developer is said to be working on a new Warhammer 40K themed strategic tower defense game that is called Storm of Vengeance, but beyond that things do appear to be a bit hazy where the future of the studio is concerned. Hopefully the release of NASCAR 14 will help get the studio back on track.