Published in Gaming

Lots of game using Frostbite engine

by on24 October 2013

More than 15 titles already in development

Over 15 games are already in development that use the Frostbite engine. The majority of EA’s next generation titles to be powered by the DICE developed engine. The engine will support AMD’s recently announced Mantle technology soon.

Among the games that are said to be using the Frostbite engine include Battlefield 4, Need for Speed Rivals, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, Command & Conquer, Star Wars: Battlefront, Mirror’s Edge 2, and a new Mass Effect title. That leave at least another 7+ titles that remain unannounced at this time that will apparently being using the Frostbite Engine which means there are a lot of titles coming in the future.

EA’s decision to invest in the development of the Frostbite engine by DICE is turning out to be a very good decision for the long term.

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