Published in Gaming

360 version of Battlefield 4 requires 14.4GB install

by on16 October 2013


Can be less, but all 14.4GB required if you want it all

DICE has confirmed that the Xbox 360 version of Battlefield 4 will require a massive 14.4GB installation if you want the optimal performance install for both the single player as well as the online versions of the game. At almost 15GB, it will become one of the biggest game installs on the console.

The installation breaks down as a 2GB mandatory install with an additional install of 6.6GB if you want the optimal install for the multiplayer and if you also want the best performance for the single player, that will cost you another 5.8GB of hard disk space. The game will ship on two discs for the Xbox 360 version.

According to EA & DICE they are recommending that for the best performance you install at 14.4GB if you are going to play the game in both on and offline modes. (No information has been released on the storage requirements for the PlayStation 3 yet.) It is expected that the PC release for the game will require a hard disk install that is even larger than the almost 15GB suggested for the Xbox 360.

The news of the Battlefield 4 install along with some other recent releases that use hard disk installations will for sure see many Xbox 360 owners looking for transfer cables and the 320GB hard drives that Microsoft has made available for the Xbox 360 systems.

The latest 320GB hard drive for the Xbox 360 includes Need for Speed Hot: Hot Pursuit, Ms. Splosion Man, and Pinball FX2 with the Sorcerer’s Lair table included. Of course the latest 320GB hard drive upgrade is only for the latest slim Xbox 360 consoles, which leaves owners of the older system to seek out other ways to get a hard drive upgrade.

It is likely that many gamers might opt for cheap high-speed USB flash drives at 16GB or 32GB as a more cost effective solution. If you choose the right one, they are fast and only a fraction of what it costs to upgrade your hard drive for owners of the older Xbox 360 consoles.

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