Published in Gaming

Xbox Gamers might actually benefit for Nokia deal

by on04 September 2013

Will improve Xbox Live support on WP8

The news that Microsoft would acquire Nokia’s handset business and a license for Nokia’s patents isn’t really that much of a surprise. What might be more of a surprise is that it took this long for Microsoft to actually wade all the way into the handset pool.

What Xbox Gamers want to know is if the decision will help improve support for Xbox Live on the Microsoft Windows Phone platform and we think that it will. We suspect that Microsoft’s move to get into the handset business by way of this purchase and getting the best of the Windows Phones that are out there which is the Nokia developed Lumina product line is good news.

We suspect that Xbox Gamers should expect Microsoft to introduce a more gaming oriented Lumia which more processing power and graphics power. We expect a stronger push by Microsoft to integrate the Windows Phone and Xbox Live platforms with new support and more gaming titles funded by Microsoft to help support the platform.

Microsoft we suspect will try very hard to make a dent into the sales of both the iPhone and Android models and will look to use ever advantage to gain ground including leveraging Xbox Live to make Windows Phone the platform of choice for Xbox Live Gamers. We will have to see how successful this strategy is.

Look for new Lumia models in the coming months ahead with a tighter focus on gaming as one of the major features.

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