DICE has more than just Battlefield 4 going on, and we were treated to a short tease of the new DICE-developed Star Wars Battlefront. It really was not long enough to see much of anything, but the fact that DICE is developing it and it will be powered by Frostbite 3 is good enough for most fans, we would think. No word on when it might be ready for release, but don’t look for it this year. Maybe 2014, if we are lucky.
At the very end of the EA Press Conference, DICE also confirmed something that we have thought was happening for a long time now. DICE is in fact working on the development of a new Mirror’s Edge 2 sequel. From the looks of what we saw, they seem to be a bit farther along in the development process than they are on Battlefront. Nonetheless, at the end of the trailer its says that it will ship when it is finished. So, we would not get too excited about seeing this one anytime soon.