When released, Gran Turismo 6 will offer 1,200 cars with 33 courses with 71 different layouts using those courses. The rendering engine is all new and is said to push the PlayStation 3 to the limit. Gran Turismo 6 will offer monthly DLC releases with new tracks and cars, much like Turn 10 has done with the Forza series. A DLC season pass will be offered, but no hint was given as to how long these DLC drops will last.
The biggest take away from the news that Gran Turismo 6 is coming is that this looks to be one of the last (if not the last) big exclusive major release for the PlayStation 3, and it will be a good one. Perhaps the bigger news is that a PlayStation 4 version of the game was not announced. Instead, we are told that Polyphony Digital has plans for a PlayStation 4 version, but not right now. Some of this is clearly due to the announcement of the DriveClub title that is targeted for release at console launch.
When released, it is likely that the PlayStation 4 version will be an all-in-one offering that includes Gran Turismo 6, as well as the DLC content released so far, and some new exclusive PS4 only content. Sources suggest a best guess of fall of 2014 before we know anything, such as when it is going to be released in a PS4 version.