Madden NFL 25 isn’t the only title in the EA pipeline that will not be getting a Wii U release. DICE confirmed that Battlefield 4 would not be coming for the Wii U due mostly to the fact that the Frostbite Engine that it runs on was not ported to the Wii U. This news spells an unknown future for Wii U releases from EA, since many of the upcoming EA releases will be running on the Frostbite Engine.
Sources have also suggested that FIFA 14 is also doubtful for release on the Wii U at this point. While apparently nothing has been decided yet officially, it isn’t looking good at this point. (Of course, NHL 14 will also be skipping a Wii U release.)
EA might say that they have a strong partnership with Nintendo, but they are not going to release games for the platform that are just going to lose money. Simply put, the company can’t afford it; and until Nintendo moves more systems it is a given that publishers and developers are going to continue to pull back from Wii U development. The only exception would be titles that Nintendo would subsidize the development of in some way, and even then, some developers and publishers might take a pass.
The reality for Nintendo is that the Wii U needs to sell more systems and get more software developed for the platform. It also would not be a bad idea for Nintendo to make sure that the buying public knows that the Wii U is more than just an upgraded Wii and that it is the most powerful system Nintendo has ever offered. The holiday season looks bleak for Nintendo if they miss out on all of the 3rd party popular titles that everyone is talking about for this holiday season. We think Nintendo will be thinking price cut this holiday season, even if they are not talking about it now.