Published in Gaming

SEGA Pluto prototype shown off

by on19 April 2013

Apparently only two ever made

Ever heard of the SEGA Pluto? Nope is the likely answer that you will give. While a rumored prototype of a second revised Saturn console had been heard about, no one ever knew if it really existed till now. A former SEGA employee has posted pictures of the Pluto.

By now, you must be wondering what exactly the SEGA Pluto prototype is and what it can do in relation to the SEGA Saturn. The easy explanation is that the Pluto is a SEGA Saturn with an internal Netlink. It featured a flip-top optical drive, cartridge slot, two controller ports, and the power and reset buttons. Oh, by the way, the poster claims it one of the heaviest consoles ever; but then again, this was a prototype. Apparently, this is one of only two prototypes of the Pluto that exist.

See more here.


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