The fancy talk seems to leave the decision based on projected sales numbers, or maybe Nintendo stepping in to help make sure that the title would be a success on the Wii U; and that we believe means money in some shape or form.
As for the a possible PC release, it would seem that the chances of this happening are perhaps much closer to likely than a Wii U release, given the fact that Rockstar has done so many GTA releases on the PC in the past. Still, that is not assurance that a PC release will occur, but a proactive petition by PC fans wanting to see GTA 5 on the PC can’t hurt its chances.
We just don’t know if Rockstar will be willing to chance a Wii U release of GTA 5 on the Wii U just yet without some sort of support from Nintendo. It just does not seem that the installed user base that plays GTA 5 is on the Wii U. Until either the hardcore gamers are attracted to the Wii U or Nintendo steps in, we think Wii U players are in for a long wait.