Book not closed on GTA 5 release for PC
No details to share or announce at this time
Rockstar announced via its web site that it had no details to share at this time about the release of GTA 5 for the PC platform. Rockstar, however, did indicate that they were surprised by the enthusiasm of the possibility of a PC release. The developer indicated that currently they are focused on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game, and based on how cleverly worded the information was from Rockstar, we have to believe that the book isn’t closed yet on the possibility of a PC version.
While we never really thought we were going to see a Wii U version of GTA 5, we suspect that we will see a PC version that will arrive in the fall or winter after the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions are released in the spring. That is only a guess; but we suspect (based on talk from our sources) it is likely that it will play out that way in the end.