Borderlands 2 on 360 being hit with sabotage
Players seeing saves deleted as part of this attack
Gearbox has already finished a patch that addresses this issue and this patch has been submitted to Microsoft last week. Microsoft is putting the patch through its regular testing and certification, but the patch has yet to be released; however, it is coming soon. In the meantime, Gearbox recommends that you only play the game with people that you know and trust to prevent your save file from being deleted.
According to what we have been able to learn, hackers used save files and hacked them to access a Diablo 3-style hardcore mode that had apparently been left in the code by the developers. The exploit, which has become known as the “Graveyard,” affects other players when they die. Users who happen to be playing online with a user who has “Graveyard” enabled will see other users’ characters wiped forever when they die, which has led to Gearbox calling the hack actual “sabotage.”
Users playing the PlayStation 3 and PC version of Borderlands 2 are not suffering from this issue. So far, Gearbox has had no public comment to those who have had characters lost due to the exploit, and we are not sure that they will ever comment.