SmartGlass to become active October 26th
Forza Horizon & Dance Central 3 first two to use it
The first titles that will take advantage of the SmartGlass functionality will be the just-released Forza Horizon and Dance Central 3. In addition, Microsoft has confirmed that Halo 4 will also offer SmartGlass support as part of the experience for the next title.
The SmartGlass technology will enable your compatible tablet to interact with your Xbox 360 dashboard, as well as providing navigation to use applications such as Internet Explorer for Xbox. The tablet provides the gateway for text input, as well as scrolling and pinch and zoom to offer a new way to use these applications on your Xbox 360. In addition, it will also be supported by some games.
In addition to Halo 4, Ascend, Home Run Stars, Karaoke, and Kinect Sesame Street TV are among the next wave of titles that will offer support for SmartGlass. Speaking of Halo 4, sources tell us that Halo Waypoint will also be overhauled to offer support for SmartGlass.
As for SmartGlass support, we are hearing that at least out of the gate Microsoft will only be supporting SmartGlass for use with Windows 8 tablets, Windows 8 phones, and PCs to start with. Support for both iOS and Android devices will be coming, but no time frame has been announced when this might be.