Web site and homebrew published has announced that Tempest for the Atari 5200 has finally been completed, after a wait that has spanned almost 30 years. Original Atari programmer Keithen Hayenga, who was responsible for the original Tempest prototype code programmed in 1984, finished the game with the help of a cast of several others who contributed to the final project.
It was announced in the Atari Age forums that Keithen Hayenga was going to finish the game some time back, but it was only recently unveiled that the game had finally been finished. Tempest for the Atari 5200 was considered to be THE holy grail of unfinished games for the Atari 5200 Super System. While prototypes of the Tempest code for the 5200 have been around for a long time, they only gave a glimpse of what the final product could be.
Those Atari retro fans will be please to know that Atari Age is going to be selling the finished game on their web site store shortly. The finished game will go for $50 plus shipping, and features the cartridge as well as the professional printed color box and user’s manual that matches the old Atari 5200 format. It should be available for purchase in the next couple of weeks.
Find out more here at Atari Age.