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Kinect-enabled Madden is pretty smart
Said to recognize over 6,000 commands
With the news that Madden NFL Football 13 would be adding Kinect support, many players were skeptical that such an addition would even be welcomed, let along necessary. The latest news about Kinect enabling Madden 13 might change some minds.
Word is that the Kinect-enabled Madden 13 is able to recognize over 6,000 commands. Yes, that’s right: over 6,000 commands. Play calling using Kinect as shown at E3 this year could be the killer feature for Madden 13, but it remains to be seen if players will want to adopt using Kinect to call their plays or not.
The recognized vocabulary is impressive, but it hard to say if this is the type of innovation that players will really want to embrace; but as far as use for Kinect it seems to be a perfect fit. Madden 13 arrives at the end of this month.