Nintendo is optimistic on Wii U sales numbers
Expects to move big numbers before end of fiscal 2013
The numbers seem a bit over optimistic, as the company has been trailing Microsoft and Sony in sales; and despite predictions by the company, analysts we spoke with feel that Nintendo might be in for a rather big surprise. Apparently, the actual numbers don’t seem to favor Nintendo’s projections with Wii sales continuing to fall and the Wii U not arriving in North America and Europe until the end of 2012.
In addition, one analyst we spoke with said, “Beyond the sales predictions from Nintendo, I think the launch titles for the Wii U look weak at best, with a number of games that many will have already played on other systems. I just don’t see the kinds of numbers that Nintendo is talking about as doable right out of the gate, unless they get more must-have exclusive titles right before the system launches.”