Published in Gaming

THQ will emerge from these struggles

by on25 July 2012

Will end up being a positive story in a few years

In an interview with Quinn Duffy of Relic, the director of the new Company of Heroes 2 title, he stated that he believes that THQ will emerge from all of its financial struggles and end up a very positive story to tell in the end. This is the message Duffy was telling in comments to While Duffy does admit that it would become a distraction, he believes that there is, “…burgeoning new excitement to help THQ” get through these struggles.

The latest hurdle that THQ managed to cross is to cease the delisting of its stock on the stock exchange. This is a considerable victory for the company; but while there is some celebration, the road ahead is still long and there are significant challenges ahead.

Next up for THQ will be the release of Darksiders II. A number of analysts believe that while it may not be the one pivotal moment to see if THQ will manage to survive, a strong showing by Darksiders II would seem to indicate that THQ is on the right path. Sources say that THQ has very high hopes on the success of Darksiders II, and pre-orders indicate that the title is getting some excellent buzz and should come out of the gates well.

Read more here in Duffy’s comments to

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