MI5 faces astonishing level of cyber-attacks
And talks up security legislation
Evans pointed out that vulnerabilities were exploited by individuals as well as actual states. He said that the 2012 Olympics in London were an attractive target but that security will be locked and loaded. Evans said that the attacks are threats "to the integrity, confidentiality and availability of government information but also to business and to academic institutions". He noted that it is not just the government secrets that are at risk, but safety and security of infrastructure, intellectual property and commercially sensitive information as well.
MI5 is warning the public that the death of Osama Bin Laden does not mean that the threat of terrorism is gone. Evans noted however that the threat is less monolithic but is spread wider.
He mentioned that it would terrible if terrorists and criminals were to adopt new technologies before security agencies managed to do so. We're not sure why exactly the public should swallow the story of a bunch of emaciated cranks in the middle of nowhere technologically advancing before the taxpayer-funded paranoia apparatus in a first world country, but we guess we'll know in due time.
Evans did mention his support to legislation that would extend the security agencies' jurisdiction, allowing for "better justice and better accountability". Apparently, he thinks that gathering data, including social network data, is a necessary measure.
He pointed out that a dog one may not see, may just turn out to be the one that bites you. So better start barking unless you want to be flagged as security risk.
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