Konami has confirmed that the next generation of its PES title will be powered by the Fox Engine by Kojima Productions. The move gives the first release of PES on the next generation consoles an engine that should be able to truly compete with EA’s FIFA titles.
Kojima Productions has been developing the Fox Engine for the next generation of consoles; and what we have seen so far does look impressive. The realization that a new engine is needed for PES has arrived early, and could pay dividends by giving the developers an engine that is capable from the start to deliver an exceptional multi-platform experience.
We will have to see what PES can do with the Fox Engine behind it. We have to think that if they are getting good support from Kojima Productions, the results will be impressive; but time will tell whether the game play will live up to what players expect.
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Kojima’s Fox Engine to power next PES
Trying to move out from under EA’s FIFA releases