Avengers video on the horizon?
New domain for Ubisoft could be a clue
Despite how the Avengers movie is doing, it was not supported by a video game release at launch. While we know that Zen Studios is going to release an Avengers table for Pinball FX2, it has yet to be released. It could be that since many of the video game releases based on movies had a lack of success this played in the decision not to develop it till they could be sure that the quality was up to snuff and it would sell.
Domain registry watch dog Fusible noticed that Ubisoft contractor had registered the domain “avengersbattleforearth.com”; which now leads us to believe that an Avengers video game is, indeed, on the way.
So far, no one is talking and we have no idea what it is or what it might be. It could be, however, that Ubisoft is planning to announce something at E3, which does seem like a safe bet; and with all of those folks that Ubisoft has working in Canada, it does seem possible that they could be doing something. Until someone contacts us and spills the beans, we just don’t have anything more to tell you.