Published in Gaming

Mount Eddie DLC to hit today

by on01 May 2012

Retools SSX for a the retro SSX experience

While the new SSX reboot was not the out of the park hit that everyone hoped, it seems that Electronic Arts has been listening to feedback and will attempt to address it with the release of the first DLC pack for SSX.

The new retooled retro add-on is called “The Mount Eddie DLC Pack,” and it will be released later today with the promise that it will rekindle your memories of what you liked of SSX past and deliver the retro-SSX experience that many have been longing for.

The Mount Eddie DLC Pack is focused on tricks; these are not just any tricks, but are the out-of-this-world tricks that players remember, with great layouts of ramps and rails to trick on while beating your opponents to the bottom of the mountain.

The Mount Eddie DLC Pack will be released later today for both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation and, of course, it will require the already released version of the new SSX. It will cost 800 Microsoft Points or $10 when it arrives for download later today.

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