Still no Strangers Wrath HD for Xbox
Developer still exploring options to get it out
In the meantime, the developer has been working with Microsoft to find a solution to the problem, and that apparently included Microsoft publishing the game itself; however, according to a number of sources that is apparently not going to happen and the developer is now forced to find another solution to get it released on the Xbox 360.
After exhausting all of the publishing options of either Microsoft publishing the title or Just Add Water publishing the title itself, it looks as if now the best chance for Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD to get released on the Xbox 360 is if they can find a third-party publisher that is willing to work with the developer to get the game published.
It is unclear how they might get the game released other than perhaps a low-cost disc release. We are hopeful that Just Add Water can find a solution because Oddworld was so popular on the original Xbox platform it would be a shame if it was never released for the Xbox 360. In addition, the developer has so much money in the Xbox 360 version it would be nice to see them be able to get their money out of the development dollars that have been spent.