Published in Gaming

PC BF3 gets some love today

by on14 February 2012

New patch to go live later today

DICE has confirmed through a post on the official Battlefield blog that rumors of an upcoming patch for the PC version are much closer than many expected. In fact, the patch will address a number of issues players have had with the game, as well as add a number of fixes to increase stability and improve gameplay and balance; it will go live later today.

The patch will be delivered though EA’s Origin software distribution systems, which is the normal way that Battlefield 3 on the PC is patched. The highlights of the included improvements and fixes that are of interest include:

Oilfields- Conquest Large - Fixed a client crash when users spawn in certain vehicles.

Canals - Rush - Fixed a client crash at the 2nd set of mcoms if the player drives a vehicle into the vicinity of the exploding rocket battery.

AMD Radeon 7xxx series performance improvements.

Support for Intel's new Ivy Bridge product line (as yet unreleased).

While DICE is calling this patch minor, rumor has it that DICE continues to work on the balance, gameplay, performance, stability, and overall features that are going to lead to a much bigger patch than is expected to arrive in the weeks ahead. No word on when this bigger patch will be deployed.

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