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Diablo III to be released in February?
Blizzard denies that this is the case
While some retailers are now getting a bit more aggressive with predicting the release date for Diablo III, Blizzard has stepped in to say that it is still “undated” and the “release date is unknown at this time.” This seems to shoot down the rumors that Blizzard has already decided on a February 1st, 2012 release date.
While Blizzard says that dealers are welcome to make up any release date they like, no official release date has been decided. While signs are pointing to a release early this year, we will wait till Blizzard officially confirms it before deciding any date is gospel.
In our humble opinion a February release is possible, but till Blizzard confirms it we would not believe anything that anyone gives for a release date. We do expect to hear from Blizzard soon on what their plans are, but it is anyone’s guess when it is announced.