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Battlefield 3 is pirated
Made its way to torrent sites before release
DICE’s highly anticipated PC version of Battlefield 3 has appeared on torrent sites which Fudzilla staff never, ever visit.
The download is 9.96GB in size and is a fully playable version of the shooter's single player campaign. So far we could not find reports of console versions being leaked and the pirated copies don't allow access the game's multiplayer second as that requires a valid Origin account. Battlefield 3 is set to launch for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on October 25 in the US and October 28 across Europe.
DICE has already moved to make the leak seem pretty irrelevant by showing off nine multiplayer maps that will ship with Battlefield 3 at launch. On the PC, the game will handle up to 64 players and will take advantage of the latest computer hardware with support for DirectX 11 and 64-bit processors. It looks like the specs are going to be quite high so some people might need to nag for a new PC.