Despite the somewhat disappointing sales of the first Epic Mickey for the Wii, Disney is now apparently at least looking at the possibility of a sequel to Epic Mickey. While Disney has never ruled out the possibility, they have never confirmed that a sequel was in development, either.
A marketing survey was apparently sent out to users seeking feedback and comments and the possibility of purchasing a sequel. Package art was shown that offered a variety of looks to a possible Epic Mickey 2 package. In addition to packaging, users were also asked questions about platforms that they would like to buy the sequel on, and features and game play options.
Perhaps one of the more interesting things was a number of proposed titles that Disney was seeking feedback on. Some of the proposed titles included: Epic Mickey 2: Return of the Mad Doctor, Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, Epic Mickey 2: Mystery on Mean Street, and Epic Mickey 2.
We actually don’t have a clue what Junction Point Studios is actually working on. We have heard a number of rumors and it now seems that perhaps they have been working on a sequel to Epic Mickey all along. It would seem that the mother ship at Disney isn’t taking any chances, and doing market research and seeking feedback to make sure that they make the right decisions for an Epic Mickey sequel.
We can only hope that Disney will choose to make it available for more platforms this time around, as we suspect that part of the sales issues with the first one had more to do with it only being available for the Wii. Like most, we actually found Epic Mickey to be quite innovative, but the lack of availability for other platforms discouraged us from playing it.
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